The Department of Education was established in 1867 and in 1868 it was placed within the Department of the Interior. It was named the Office of Education in 1929 and in 1939 it was moved to the Federal Security Agency. In 1953, it became part of the newly-created Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Finally, in 1979 it was separated from the Department of Health and the Cabinet-level Department of Education was created.
The Department of Education supports over 200 programs that benefit the educations system and provides access to directories for the literature programs available.
The Federal Registry for Educational Excellence is a free service of the DoE that offers links to digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and other organizations. Teachers
-Resources for teachers from the U.S. government.
Environmental Protection Agency: Lesson Plans
-Lesson plans and other resources for teachers from the EPA.
Library of Congress: Teachers
-Classroom materials for teachers and information about using primary resources in the classroom.
National Archive Resources for Teachers
-Titled "Teaching with Documents," this website provides teachers with lesson plans, information and suggestions using government documents. Organized in a variety of ways, including topic, era and geography.
National Gallery of Art: Teachers
-Lesson plans and other resources from the National Gallery of Art.
National Park Service: Teachers
-Lesson plans from the National Park Service.
Smithsonian: Educators Prepare, Plan, Teach
-Lesson plans, state standards, and more from the Smithsonian.
National Center for Education Statistics
Bureau of Justice Statistics: Indicators of School Crime & Safety
The National Science Foundation: Education
The ERIC database includes more than 1.3 million bibliographic records of journal and non-journal education-related materials from scholarly organizations, professional associations, research centers, policy organizations, university presses, the U.S. Department of Education and other government agencies, and selected works submitted by individual contributors. Records for these materials include bibliographic data, an abstract of the work, and information indicating full text availability.
ERIC - Public, Free Version
Accessible by anyone, the freely available version of ERIC contains all the bibliographic information and access to the ERIC thesaurus, with limited full-text availability.