Clio is an app available for iPhone and Android developed by MU Associate Professor David Trowbridge. Check out the WV Colored Children's Home on Clio!
MU Resources
Ancella Bickley oral history interview: tape and transcript. Special Collections/Oral history OH 64-675.
Bickley, A. (Ed.). (1997). Our Mount Vernons: Historic register listings of sites significant to the Black history fo West Virginia. Huntington, WV: The Carter G. Woodson Foundation & the Drinko Academy. Special Collections/West Virginia 975.4 O93.
Chambers, S. A. (2004). Buildings of West Virginia. New York: Oxford University Press. Special Collections/West Virginia NA730.W42 C48 2004.
Oral History Collection finding aid. The term oral history generally refers to recorded accounts of historical events and/or experiences. MU Libraries' Special Collections Department has many recorded oral histories that are indiexed by subject. Subject terms to look for include (but are not limited to) African Americans, African Americans -- Huntington, WVa., African Americans -- W.Va.
West Virginia, State Board of Control. (1912). Second Biennial Report. Charlestopn, WV: Union Pub. Co. Retrieved from This resource is also available through the Hathi Trust and in print form at Marshall University Libraries Special Collections Department.
West Virginia, State Board of Control. (1912). Second Biennial Report. Charlestopn, WV: Union Pub. Co. Retrieved from This resource is also available through the Hathi Trust and in print form at Marshall University Libraries Special Collections Department.
Young musician
WV Colored Orphans' Home
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