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FYS 100 Libguide: Brown

If your FYS professor is Dr. Brown, use these resources to complete your research assignment:


First steps: Understanding your assignment


Then, determine your research plan:

QR Code to this page (scan in class):


Next steps: Determine search terms, then use Summon or a database

Search Summon for articles, books, & more





Further steps: Explore these library resources:

eBooks - Film Studies

eBooks - Critical Lens

Final step: Citations

How to Cite: Two Basic Components

  1. In-text citations
    • this refers to anytime you use information from a source in your paper, oral speech, PowerPoint, etc. 
    • this includes direct quotes (exact wording), summarizing (condensing large passages) and paraphrases (condensing small passages). 
      • Paraphrases are someone else's ideas in your own words, and must still be cited. 
  2. End list citations
    • this refers to the alphabetized list of sources at the end
    • sometimes called References or Works Cited

The in-text citations tell your reader which information comes from another source, and the Reference or Works Cited entries tell exactly which source that is.

A venn diagram of what constitutes direct quotes versus summarizing versus paraphrasing, and how they all need in-text citations.