Often we seek information that confirms our own thoughts and feelings towards a topic. This is NOT RESEARCH. Research and learning comes from finding sources that speak to the truth of a topic, no matter how much it hurts Only by keeping personal biases in check can you begin to vet information for credibility.
These steps will help you find sources that are credible and reliable in your research process.
Personal Steps (IF I)
Source Steps (APPLY)
What shapes our perceptions (and misperceptions) about science? In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we think we know -- and shares ideas for how we can replace them with something much more powerful: knowledge.
Follow this link for more information about distinguishing between primary and secondary resources.
Follow this link for more information about distinguishing between popular and scholarly resources.