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Understanding Plagiarism & AI: Home

AI Squared: Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence


What is ChatGPT? 

According to the developers on, it is an AI model that "interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests."

What is AI? 

Short for artificial intelligence, AI is the use of computers to model the behavioral aspects of human reasoning and learning (i). 

What should I expect from this guide?

On this guide, you'll find questions about the ethical use of AI that we posed to Chat GPT (with its answers), tips for avoiding plagiarism, tips for using AI such as ChatGPT for research support, and current guidance on citing generative AI.

Question: How can students use you to cheat?


Chat GPT Response: As an AI developed by OpenAI, I am programmed to follow ethical guidelines, and I cannot support or encourage any form of cheating or academic dishonesty. My purpose is to assist users in a positive and responsible manner by providing information, explanations, and guidance.

If you're a student, I encourage you to use me as a tool for learning, asking questions, and gaining a deeper understanding of various subjects. I can help with research, provide explanations, offer writing suggestions, or assist with homework problems. By using me in an ethical and responsible manner, you can enhance your learning experience and develop your knowledge.

Remember, cheating not only undermines the educational system but also hinders your own personal growth and development. It is always best to approach your studies with integrity and put in the effort required to succeed honestly.


Question: How can instructors prevent students from using you to plagiarize? 


Chat GPT ResponseInstructors can take several measures to prevent students from using AI models like me to engage in plagiarism:

  1. Promote awareness: Educate students about the ethical use of AI and the importance of academic integrity. Discuss plagiarism, its consequences, and emphasize the value of original work.
  2. Provide clear guidelines: Clearly communicate your expectations regarding proper citation, referencing, and the use of external sources. Explain how students should interact with AI models and provide specific instructions on how to incorporate AI-generated content appropriately.
  3. Design authentic assessments: Create assignments and assessments that require critical thinking, analysis, and personal reflection. By focusing on higher-order skills, it becomes more difficult for students to rely solely on AI-generated content.
  4. Use plagiarism detection tools: Utilize plagiarism detection software to identify instances of potential plagiarism. These tools can help identify similarities between students' work and external sources, including content generated by AI models.
  5. Personalize assignments and topics: Assign unique topics or tasks that require personal experiences, opinions, or local context, making it difficult for students to find ready-made answers from AI models.
  6. Engage in interactive assessments: Incorporate oral presentations, group discussions, or viva voce exams where students are required to articulate their understanding and answer questions in real-time, which makes it harder to rely on pre-written or AI-generated content.
  7. Monitor and assess writing progression: Familiarize yourself with students' writing abilities and styles throughout the semester, enabling you to notice sudden shifts in quality or discrepancies that may indicate plagiarism.
  8. Foster a supportive environment: Encourage open communication, offer assistance, and provide resources for proper citation and referencing. Let students know that they can seek guidance and clarification on how to engage with AI tools responsibly.

By implementing these strategies, instructors can promote academic integrity, discourage plagiarism, and encourage students to develop their critical thinking and writing skills.


(i) artificial intelligence. (2018). In P. Lagasse, & Columbia University, The Columbia encyclopedia (8th ed.). Columbia University Press. Credo Reference.

Question: What if students copy your language into their academic papers?


ChatGPT Response: Copying and pasting the language generated by an AI, such as myself, into academic papers without proper attribution or without understanding the content is considered plagiarism and a violation of academic integrity.

If you are a student working on an academic paper, it is essential to develop your own understanding of the topic and to use sources appropriately. While I can provide information and help you with your research, it is crucial to use the information as a reference and incorporate it into your own words, giving proper credit to the original sources.

Plagiarism can have serious consequences, including academic penalties, damaged reputation, and a loss of educational opportunities. It is always best to approach your academic work with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to learning. If you have any questions or need assistance with understanding concepts or developing your own ideas, I'm here to help.


Question: Is there a way to detect AI-written language? 


Chat GPT ResponseDetecting AI-written language can be challenging, as AI models like me are designed to generate text that closely mimics human writing. However, there are some techniques and tools that can help identify potential AI-generated content:

  • Style and tone analysis: AI-generated text may lack personal voice, exhibit consistent patterns, or show unusual shifts in style or tone. Analyzing the writing style and comparing it to the student's previous work or known writing samples can help identify inconsistencies.
  • Unusual language patterns: AI-generated text might exhibit highly complex or sophisticated language structures that are inconsistent with a student's typical writing level. Look for signs of unusually advanced vocabulary, sentence structure, or technical terminology.
  • Plagiarism detection software: Some plagiarism detection tools can recognize common patterns or phrases generated by AI models. These tools often have updated databases that include AI-generated content sources.
  • Internet search and cross-referencing: Conducting searches on suspicious phrases or sentences from a student's work can help identify if the content is sourced from AI-generated texts or other online sources.
  • Comparison with known AI outputs: Keeping a database of known AI-generated texts can be helpful in identifying similarities between student submissions and AI-generated content. This can be done by training a plagiarism detection system specifically for AI-generated text.

It's important to note that these methods are not foolproof, and they should be used as complementary approaches to overall academic assessment and integrity promotion. Engaging in dialogue with students, providing clear guidelines, and fostering an environment that values honesty and originality are crucial aspects of maintaining academic integrity.

Special Thanks to Carina Chernisky, from James & Abigail Campbell Library at the University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu, for inspiration for some of the content on this guide, and, for permission to copy some of her questions from her guide ( for our purposes.