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Please Note: In the videos below, you may see a slightly outdated version of a webpage. If you have any questions about any discrepancies, simply contact Sarah or Ask a Librarian.
Please note: The Ask a Librarian button that appears in the above video as being located below the homepage image is now above the homepage image, in the horizontal black menu bar.
Please note: The Ask a Librarian button that appears in the above video as being located below the homepage image is now above the homepage image, in the horizontal black menu bar.
Please note: The Ask a Librarian button that appears in the above video as being located below the homepage image is now above the homepage image, in the horizontal black menu bar.
Please note: The Ask a Librarian button that appears in the above video as being located below the homepage image is now above the homepage image, in the horizontal black menu bar.
*NOTE: When using a citation tool in Summon or a database, sometimes it formats them incorrectly. Always consult a citation guide (like those on our Citation Help page) or Ask a Librarian for help before turning in a final draft of your Works Cited or References page.