Modern Language Association (MLA) style is used in the humanities. The seventh edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers was published in 2009 and is meant especially for high school and undergraduate students. In addition to instruction on how to prepare the list of works cited and examples of citation formats for a variety of sources, the handbook covers the research and writing process, plagiarism and academic integrity, the mechanics of writing, and stylistic advice.
Paper copies of this book have the call number LB2369 .G53 2009 and are at the Drinko Library Circulation Desk on two-hour reserve.
The third edition of the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing was published in 2008 and is used by graduate students, scholars and professional writers. Besides documentation style, this books gives guidance on writing, preparing, and publishing scholarly work; copyright and fair use; and legal issues such as contracts. This is the book you will use when writing your thesis or dissertation.
Paper copies of this book have the call number PN147 .G444 2008 and are at the Drinko Library Circulation Desk on two-hour reserve.
American Psychological Association (APA) style is used in psychology, education, and other behavioral and social sciences. The sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association was published in 2010 and, in addition to examples of citation formats for a variety of sources, covers guidance on writing style, manuscript structure and content, displaying results of experiments, and the publication process.
Paper copies of this book have the call number BF76.7 .P83 2010 are at the Drinko Circulation Desk on two-hour reserve and in the South Charleston Library Reference collection.