Request articles and other items that are not available through the MU Libraries. Articles are often delivered within 24 business hours to your desktop.
If you want to borrow a book that MU Libraries do not own, borrow from this group. Most items ship within 3-5 business days and can be borrowed for 84 days (12 weeks) but cannot be renewed (note: library accounts expire at the end of each semester, so an EZ Borrow item borrowed later in the semester can only be checked out until this expiration date).
This is the most comprehensive search we offer. Our catalog will search for print, online, and other media such as music, VHS, DVD, micofilm, and microform. Search all locations or only one location.
If you are on campus a Google Scholar search will help to identify items fulll text articles that are available through library subsriptions and holdings. On campus and off campus, Google Scholar will greatly expand your search results.