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Technology Management: Databases

Technology Management Databases

  • The online and print databases and indexes listed below will provide references to articles (or in some cases full-text articles) in a wide range of periodicals, from news magazines and newspapers to scholarly and professional journals. If you have questions about choosing or using a database or index, please consult a librarian.

    • Business Source Complete -  EBSCOhost
      This is the worlds largest full text business database and provides full text articles for more than 8,350 scholarly business journals, including full text for nearly 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes vitually all subject areas related to business. Full text (PDF) for more than 350 of the top scholarly journals.
    • Journals Search -  SerialSolutions
      Provides a list of journals available in print at Marshall as well as access to full-text articles in databases to which Marshall University subscribes.
    • Academic Search Premier - EBSCOhost
      The worlds largest academic multi-disciplinary database. Full text articles for nearly 4,650 publications, including more than 3,600 peer-reviewed journals. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles. Coverage: 1975 - current
    • ProQuest Databases - ProQuest
      Provides citations and abstracts from 50+ databases across 9 subject areas. Full-text is available in 2 of the databases: Nursing & Allied Health Source and Dissertations & Theses. Subjects include arts, business, history, health & medicine, science & technology, and social sciences. Coverage: varies; most beginning in early 1980’s.
    • SpringerLink - Springer Online
      Full text access to 750 journals, with the ability to search across the table of contents and abstracts of all journals formerly owned by Kluwer. Includes journals in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Coverage: Some full text back to 1997