Once you've found your solution, try these suggestions for figuring out who would implement it:
- Scholarly or Peer-Reviewed articles:
- Who are the authors talking about? These are people directly impacted by the problem.
- What journal was the article published in? These are the people most interested in solving the problem.
- What sources are the authors referencing? This can point you in the direction of additional sources/people/information.
- Books/eBooks:
- What background does the author(s) have, and what can you learn from that?
- Does the author(s) have an online presence where they continue their scholarly work into present day, and what can you learn from that?
- Statistics:
- When looking at data, does it leave anything out, like a particular region, demographic, etc.? If so, who would be the most concerned about filling that gap?
Don't be afraid to Google things for a better understanding or to make connections. Simply evaluate your sources to ensure you're on the right track.