...you are likely no stranger to research. Whether you're a working professional, a stay-at-home parent, a transfer student, the first section below will get you into the right mindset for working on graduate-level research.
These steps will help support you and keep you on track as your plan and complete your thesis or dissertation, or another project.
1. Develop a topic that will hold your interest. Determine what resources you have available—time, money, people—and choose a topic that isn’t too resource-intensive. You’ll be spending at least a year on a dissertation (or any large research project), so it has to be compelling enough to keep your attention.
2. Read everything you can on the subject. Go outside of your required class readings and you might just run across something that helps you develop the framework for your research.
3. Find a theoretical basis to support your topic. Do some research to find theories that fit your study perfectly.
4. Look for a niche in which you can make a difference. Be sure you’re really offering something new to the field. You can’t change the world with one dissertation, so focus on the crux of what you want to explore and add something new to the field.
5. Let yourself shift gears. Frequently, the topic you start with deviates from your original plan as it evolves.
6. Fine-tune your topic based on input from others. Take every opportunity to seek constructive feedback and incorporate advice from experts.
7. Study your passion. Start with a subject you’re passionate about and then look into the existing research conducted to help determine the next logical step.
8. Find available data. Use a previously conducted study to capture comparative data and develop good working relationships with the people who are in charge of that data. You may also need a written legal agreement—so sort through those details first.
9. Build a good committee. Interview your committee members first to ensure they understand and are passionate about your goals. After all, it would be impossible to do the work alone. With the support of your committee, you’ll have a great team on your side.
10. Only ask questions that can be answered. Use your rich, powerful data to your full advantage, and stick within its confines. Also, determine early on if there are any biases in the data. Your goal is to create an airtight study.
11. Think about your work as part of an international dialogue. What else is published on your topic? Understand your data in a broader context and be actively engaged.
12. Take advantage of the resources available. Use the resources offered by your university to help with your decision making. This might include your research center or applicable seminars.
13. Tap into your peers. Meet with each of your cohorts and ask them to weigh in on your topic and plans for research.
14. Consult your mentor. A good and experienced mentor can be your best resource for providing straightforward advice and direction for moving forward.
NOTE: Apply one of the above strategies first in designing your study to determine if that gives you a manageable research problem to investigate.
You will know if the problem is manageable by reviewing the literature on this more specific problem and assessing whether prior research on the narrower topic is sufficient to move forward in your study [i.e., not too much, not too little].
Be careful, however, because combining multiple strategies risks creating the opposite problem--your problem becomes too narrowly defined and you can't locate enough research or data to support your study.
Research Aims | Research Question Formulations |
Describing and Exploring |
Explaining and Testing |
Evaluating and Acting |
Depending on the scope of your research, you may identify just one question or several. You may also have one primary research question and several secondary questions or sub-questions that relate to the same problem.
Example Research Problem | Example Research Question(s) |
The teachers at school X do not have the skills to recognize or properly guide gifted children in the classroom. | What practical techniques can teachers at school X use to better identify and guide gifted children? |
Under-30s increasingly engage in the “gig economy” instead of traditional full-time employment, but there is little research into young people’s experiences of this type of work. |
What are the main factors that influence young people’s decisions to engage in the gig economy? What do workers perceive as its advantages and disadvantages? Do age and education level have an effect on how people experience this type of work? |
Most research questions can be answered with various types of research, but the way you frame your question should help drive your research design choices.
Source for this box: McCombes, S. (2022, May 7). Developing strong research questions: Criteria and examples. Scribbr. https://www.scribbr.com/research-process/research-questions/
The correct answer is All of the Above!
There are two key choices you must make when you embark on your thesis: choosing a topic and choosing a supervisor.
Choosing a topic
A research topic can be very broad - you have not yet developed a specific research question but instead, have an expansive area of interest[1]. Here are some tips for choosing a successful thesis topic:
Your research topic does not have to be specific yet. Do some brainstorming—write down 5 to 10 topics that interest you. Talk with friends and professors to see which topics are the most interesting (and could provide the starting point for a strong thesis). Once you have decided on a topic, you are ready for the next step.
Choosing a thesis supervisor
Once you’ve identified the broad subject area you are interested in exploring, you should think about who to choose as a thesis supervisor. Any graduate faculty member of the School of Hospitality Management may serve as a thesis supervisor. A list of the current graduate faculty members is provided in the Appendix. We have one research center within the School of Hospitality Management, the Center for Food Innovation. If you work with this center as part of your thesis work, you should plan, consistent with best practices across laboratories in the College of Health and Human Development, to choose a faculty member other than personnel from the center to be your thesis supervisor. However, it is assumed you will also work closely with personnel from the center during the completion of your thesis work.
There are several ways to go about choosing a thesis supervisor. One strategy is to consider professors in whose courses you have been or are enrolled. Is your thesis topic relevant to their research interests? A second strategy is to look on the website of your program for a listing of faculty members and their research interests. You can also think about interesting articles or books you’ve read in your coursework. Finally, you can meet with your adviser to brainstorm about who a suitable thesis supervisor might be.
Once you have identified a potential thesis supervisor, you must ask him or her to advise the thesis! This should take place during the fall or spring semester of your junior year. Before approaching potential supervisors, do some brainstorming on your own. For your own use, write a brief description of your potential topics and 2-3 more specific research questions. When you meet with a potential supervisor, you do not yet need to have a definitive research question. This is something a thesis supervisor will help with.
You should set up appointments to discuss the thesis with potential supervisors. Send them an email requesting a meeting to discuss the possibility that they advise your thesis. Include the description of your topic. When you have scheduled a meeting, present your potential topic and ask them if they would be interested in advising it. If you are still working on developing your specific research question, ask for their advice or feedback on your potential research questions.
[1] Note that a topic is a broad subject area while a research question is much narrower. A research question is a specific problem or question within a given subject area that can be addressed within the approximate 1.5-year time frame given over to the thesis A research question is typically tested with empirical data.
Penn State (n.d). The first steps: Choosing a topic and a thesis supervisor. College of Health and Human Development. Retrieved June 29, 2022, from https://hhd.psu.edu/shm/undergraduate/honors-study-hospitality-management/first-steps-choosing-topic-and-thesis-supervisor