...you should now be in the habit of continually checking your cognitive biases and leaning into your intellectual courage to seek out the most credible sources. Use the steps in IF I APPLY prior to using a source in your research paper.
Here's a refresher on using IF I APPLY to evaluate your sources:
Personal steps
Source steps
At this level, it can help to practice lateral reading. “In brief, lateral reading (as opposed to vertical reading) is the act of verifying what you're reading as you're reading it,” writes Terry Heick in “This Is The Future And Reading Is Different Than You Remember” on TeachThought.com, a website featuring innovations in education.
Ask a Librarian if you are ever unsure about the credibility of your source or if you are having trouble finding the information that you need. Librarians are here to help you whether you are a beginner or advanced in your research skills. Simply click https://libguides.marshall.edu/ask-a-librarian to view all options for connecting with a librarian: you can chat, text, call, or email a librarian your questions. You can even schedule a research consultation where a librarian can evaluate your sources with you and demonstrate best practices. To schedule a one-on-one 30 minute or 60 minute research consultation, click https://marshall.libcal.com/appointments
ACT UP Source Evaluation from UCSB Library on Vimeo.