Once you have a citation for your article:
Look up the title of the journal or magazine that your article appeared in. If the periodical shows up on the list, follow the link to the article database that contains it or find the copy in the library.
This list contains print and online journals available through Marshall University. The titles link to Journals Search where holding and location information may be found. Those titles available online in full-text have links from the name of the database provider. Certain databases have holds set up by journal (JSTOR and Kluwer) while others such as EBSCO link to the database and you would need to search for the journal.
Advances in Mathematics - Per/QA1.A19 (Drinko/Morrow)
American Mathematical Monthly- JSTOR
American Mathematical Society Abstracts - Per/QA1.A517 (Drinko/Morrow)
Annals of Applied Probability - Per/QA273.A1A56 (Drinko and Online)
Annals of Mathematics - Per/QA1.A6 (Drinko and Online)
Annals of Probability - Per/HA1.A82 (Drinko and Online)
Annals of Statistics - Per/HA1.A83 (Drinko and Online)
Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society - Per/QA1.A52 (Drinko/Morrow)
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society - Per/QA1.B95 (Drinko/Morrow)
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin - Per/QA1.C22 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Discrete Mathematics - Per/QA1.D52 (Drinko/Morrow and Online)
Duke Mathematical Journal - Per/QA1.D8 (Drinko/Morrow)
Educational Studies in Mathematics - (MUGC)
Glasgow Mathematical Journal - Per/QA1.G52 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Illinois Journal of Mathematics - Per/QA1.I45 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics - Per/QA1.I47 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Indiana University Mathematics Journal - Per/QA1.I49 (Drinko/Morrow)
International Journal of Mathematics - (EBSCO)
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology - Per/QA11.I61 (Drinko/Morrow and Online)
Israel Journal of Mathematics - Per/QA1.I92 (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of Algebra - Per/QA1.J83 (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory/Series A/Combinatorial Analysis - Per/QA164.J66(A) (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory/Series B/Graphtheory & Matroid Theory - Per/QA164.J66(B) (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of Differential Equations - Per/QA370.J73 (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of Differential Geometry - Per/QA641.J67 (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of Geometry - Per/QA443.J68 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society - Per/QA1.I489 (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of the London Mathematical Society - Per/QA1.L53 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Journal of Number Theory - Per/QA241.I67 (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of Optimization Theory & Applications Per/QA402.5.J6 (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of Recreational Mathematics - Per/QA95.J85 (Drinko/Morrow)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Statistics in Society - Per/HA1.R8 (Drinko/Morrow and Online)
Mathematical Proceeding of the Cambridge Philosophical Society - Per/Q41.C17 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Mathematical Reviews - Per/QA1.M76 (Drinko/Morrow and Microfilm)
Mathematics and Computer Education - Per/QA13.M16 (Drinko/Morrow)
Mathematics of Computation - Per/QA47.M29 (Drinko and Online)
Mathematics Teacher - Per/QA1.M86 (Drinko/Morrow, MUGC, and Online)
Michigan Mathematical Journal - Per/QA1.M96 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Pacific Journal of Mathematics Per/QA1.P12 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Proceedings/Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences/Series A - (Chemistry and EBSCO)
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society - Per/QA1.A522 (Drinko and Online)
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society - Per/QA1.E23 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society - Per/QA1.L5 (Drinko/Morrow and EBSCO)
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics - Per/Qa1.Q22 (Drinko/Morrow)
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics - Per/QA1.Q25 (Drinko/Morrow)
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics - Per/QA1.R59 (Drinko/Morrow)
School Science & Mathematics - Per/LB1532.S25 (Drinko - Reading Room/Media, MUGC, and Online)
Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics - Per/QA1.S73 (Drinko and Online)
Siam Journal on Control & Optimization - Per/QA402.3.S22 (Drinko/Morrow and Online)
Siam Journal of Numerical Analysis - Per/QA297.S15 (Drinko and Online)
Statistical Science - Per/QA276.A1S73 (Drinko and Online)
Teaching Children Mathematics - Per/QA135.A6 (Drinko)
Topology - Per/QA611.A1T65 (Drinko/Morrow and Online)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society - Per/QA1.A523 (Drinko and Online)