This webpage is part of a website created to make it easy for all West Virginians - and anybody else - to visit with a great collection of our best storytellers and poets. They'll inspire you and give you new insights on the history and rich culture of this unique state.
These writers include children's writers, writers for adults, and people who write for all ages. Click on the "Listen" tab to listen to an hour-long visit with any of them. They offer great readings of their work, stories about growing up in West Virginia, advice about writing and insights on Appalachian culture and history.
Collectively, they have won dozens of national awards. Listen while you cook dinner, clean the house, or any other time when you might listen to radio or TV. This site is also ideal for book clubs or reading groups. Listen to a writer, then discuss!
Under the "Activities" tab, you'll find six pages of writing exercises for all ages. Scroll down on this page for notes for teachers.
First, enjoy these writers, yourself! Browse through the writers' home pages. Listen to some programs. Decide which writers / programs are appropriate for your students.
Use this website to let young West Virginians know they have a literary heritage to be proud of. When you show the kids the writer pages and they hear some writers' voices, you stir up pride and motivation. You give them role models. They know that real writers do come from West Virginia.
Use your judgment. This website includes material that's appropriate for kindergartners as well as material appropriate for adults and older students. Listen/read through a given writer's program to decide what tracks you feel are right for your students.
Research tells us this: People are more likely to try things they see that their people "do" well. Your child or one of your students may be the next Cynthia Rylant or Breece Pancake. Help them realize, "I come from a state where people write great stories. We do that, so that door is open to me."
Check out the learning activities: six pages of them!
Check out the Teachers Page. You'll find advice on using the web site, learning activities, and links to WVCCR standards compiled for this web site.