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Home Schooling Resources: Home

Information and ideas for educators, librarians, and parents interested in home school options

Various Home Schooling Methods

Charlotte Mason Method - The Charlotte Mason approach proposes that children should be exposed to quality literature to help foster their ability to think critically as well as stimulate their creativity.  Learning should not be limited to textbooks and workbooks but should include books about history, science, and art.

Classical Education - Classical homeschooling involves teaching based on the three states of learning: the Grammar stage, the Logic stage, and the Rhetoric stage.  The Grammar stage involves learning facts, memorization, and knowledge gathering.  The Logic stage is when reasoning and logic begin to be applied to the knowledge.  The Rhetoric stage completes the Trivium and is when the student learns the skills of wisdom and judgment.

Eclectic - Eclectic homeschooling is a highly individualized education method resulting from mixing and matching a variety of homeschooling resources.  It is an exceptionally personalized approach for every child based on their strengths, learning styles, and interests.

Montessori - Montessori Method is a child-led method of education that encourages independence, child-centered focus, and hands-on learning.  It focuses on the whole child, emphasizes kinesthetic, multi-sensory learning and leads kids on a lifelong journey of independence and determination.

Road School - Roadschooling, or "learning on the road," is one form of homeschooling that essentially transforms the world into your classroom.  You can start and stop roadschooling anytime and how you do it can be as unique as the child you are homeschooling.

School-at-Home - In schooling at home, an online school can be a free public school delivering a curriculum taught by highly qualified teachers - all while allowing families the flexibility in schooling that suits their circumstances and lifestyles.

Unit Studies - Unit studies are time-specific overviews of a defined topic or theme that incorporate multiple subject areas into the study plan.  Sometimes called "thematic units," these studies often involve multisensory learning where each activity is organized according to the thematic idea.

Unschooling - Unschooling is based on natural learning, and there are no subjects or evaluations but life.

Waldorf - The Waldorf approach is a holistic liberal arts education where subjects are not separated from one another and education covers body, mind, and spirit.  Textbooks are not used until the students are older and then only infrequently, and moral qualities are subtly emphasized through life.

World School - Worldschooling is a type of homeschooling that involves full-time or part-time travel away from the family's home country.  Worldschooling families may be nomads, traveling from place to place, or they may have a home base in one country and travel periodically.


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Heather Lauer
Marshall University South Charleston Library
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Subjects: Multidisciplinary