Your time is vital, so you've got options:
South Charleston Spring 2023 Library Hours
Monday 9:00 - 5:00
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9:00 - 7:00
Friday 9:00 - 4:00
Interested in having library assistance for your students at snap of a finger? Drop Heather Lauer an email or call 304.746.8906 and have her embedded in your online class.
Have a question about anything on this page? Have a question about something not on this page?
Call 304.746.8910 or reach out to the following people:
Gena Chattin, MSLS, Research & ETD Librarian 304.746.1930
Heather Lauer, MLS, Reference & Instruction Librarian 304.746.8906
Kathy Murphy, DDS, Library Research Specialist 304.746.8900